Owners, Andrew & Aaron Jensen

Andrew & Aaron got into bookbinding in 2006 in Bible School when their Bibles were falling apart & they didn’t want to lose their notes. With really no options at the time, Andrew decided to tackle the issue on his own. The story of their first rebind…Andrew bought some leather at a local leather store, flipped over his coffee table for a cutting surface and after several attempts, made his first leather liner cover. After years of tuning their craft, AA Leather was founded in 2009 by Andrew and his wife Aaron in Jacksonville, FL. AA Leather truly wouldn’t exist without the business aptitude and faithfulness of lovely and sweet Aaron. She truly is the pillar out of which everything else flows at AA Leather!
AA Leather wouldn’t be where it is today without faithful Jesus and Him providing us with the most incredible, competent, kindest, and craftiest bunch! Perhaps when you call or visit us at AA Leather, this will help put a face to the name so we can get to know each other better! We want to make you perfectly comfortable with trusting us with your Bible and business today and years to come, should Jesus tarry!

Martin and His wife Dora have been with AA Leather for over ten years. Martin is Andrew’s twin brother and is literally like Andrew’s clone in the shop providing the highest level of Bible repair and rebinding service along side him. Martin excels at Antique Bible restoration, partly because Andrew wouldn’t let him touch leather for the first five years until fixing text blocks was perfected at AA Leather, lol. Dora’s beautiful countenance, sweet customer service, and fun Hungarian accent makes her a blessing at all the little things that makes AA Leather excel everyday!

Caleb was AA Leather’s first employee and is still with us today! He resides up in Asheville, NC and supports mostly our Business to Business work AA Leather supplies to Church Bible Publishers. Every business needs a perfectionist, and Caleb’s skills and contributions have blessed AA Leather at every turn. Not only a friend for life, he is one the hardest and most consistent and faithful workers we have ever seen! Know with every Bible cover ever produced at AA Leather, Caleb’s work or influence is readily seen!

Terri Clifford has been with AA Leather for a few years now! She is the glue that keeps AA Leather bound wonderfully! She may answer the phone from time to time, but usually is in the background working away, serving, and filling in any gaps AA Leather needs day to day. Every business needs someone willing to simply serve, stay in the background, and faithfully support the work! That is Terri!

Chelsea has worn so many hats at AA Leather over the years, we’ve stopped counting. Right now, she wears the website and social media marketing hat at AA Leather and it fits perfect! Her skills and career as a website developer is quickly growing. AA Leather is forever grateful to continue to utilize her amazing skill set to better present and publish the face of AA Leather online!

AA Leather has employed others over the years for a season or two and perhaps will do again in time, the Lord willing. For each, it was always a special time and we would be remissed to not mention them. A deep and special thanks to Nyel, Mike, Ken, Norma, Chris, Emily, and Sonya. You know who you are! AA Leather wouldn’t be where it is today without all of our workers, no matter how small of a job they did for us! Thank you for representing AA Leather with integrity and class every time! A special thanks also to new comer and free lance, emphasis on free (lol), advertiser extraordinaire and my friend James Pope! Your willingness to serve has added fresh life to our marketing of AA Leather and is making a difference. Finally, the last shall be first. I am forever indebted to my Pastor and father in the Lord, Samuel Greene, for his counsel from day one that has been like the seed of God birthing this provision and business that we hope will impact others more than it can ever do for us! Thank you for your guiding hand and support in every season! Jesus is Precious!