Personalize your Bible
Bible Name Engraving

Just need a Bible stamped? We offer this service here in Jacksonville, FL! Whether it is a case of Bibles or an individual Bible, we can custom stamp/engrave your name or logo. Call us at 904-652-5778 or email us at to set up appointment here in Jacksonville, FL for this service.

Looking for where to get your name engraved on your Bible?
Call ahead for an appointment at our leather shop in Jacksonville, FL and we’ll stamp your name while you wait. We can custom order church or company logos as well. Call or email us for more information. Pricing for name stamping is below in gold, silver, black, bronze, copper, or rose gold.
*Please note that this pricing is for stamping a different name per Bible. For the same stamp on multiple Bibles with a name or custom logo, contact us for a quote at 904-652-5778 or
Personalization/Name Stamping PRICING*:
1-2 Bibles = $20/ea.
3-5 Bibles = $15/Ea.
6-14 Bibles = 10/Ea.
15+ Bibles = $8/Ea.

SHIP & Stamp Your Bible(s)
For INdividuals, Churches, Schools & Organizations
Not local to Jacksonville? No problem! Ship us your Bible(s) with the order from below and we will stamp and ship your Bible(s) back in a timely fashion. Find a few friends and mail us a box of Bibles to get bulk pricing and save on shipping too! We can wholesale order Bibles for your Church or School beating Amazon and Christian Book prices! Email us for bulk Bible sales at